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Monday, October 24, 2011

Cure Stress and Deseases with Good Art

Everybody has difficulties in the life and sometimes we become so much involved in these problems that do not notice the life that passes by. The life passes by... It's very sad. So, I decided to offer to you and to me something that will make you smile and admire the bravura of the persons.

What can make us smile?

First part:
I'm sure you will agree with me -the animals are able meke us smile more that any others. Except our kids.

Ох, досталась мне работа -  Целый день в трудах, заботах,  Отдыха совсем не знаю,  Я шезлонги охраняю!

Прости, Герасим... Но ты первый начал!

Ложись, говорит, Васенька,  на бочок и поспи... Ну и как на этом бачке  выспаться можно?!

-Опа! У кого-то обивка в салоне размокла и ...уплыла!

Смотреть ещё!
Second Part:

Naked Men can make us smile, too. Do you think, there is nothing interesting and, specially, nothing to smile when you see a naked men? Watch this video. By the way, admire these artists' technique (I promised you the Art, not?)


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Do You Have a Son? Look, This is MY Son...

Today is anniversary of my blog. Thanks to Teena, I remembered it. My blog is 5 years old now. I wanted to celebrate it's birthday with the translation of an appeal of A.L.F. Fronte Liberazione Animale Italia My translation is not perfect but I hope, you will join me. Maybe, you will have a wish to make a better translation and to pass it to all the world...

Do you have a son?
This is Mine...

Maybe, one day, when you will have a wish to wear him, to eat him, to shoot him
you will recognize him...

Do you love your son?
I love mine...
Look, this is my son
my life -and I would do anything for him...

Can you fight, cry, defend your son?
I can't...
I can only look...

I could shout but nobody would hear my cry of grief...
I could fight but my power will not be enough...
My tears would nobody nothce...

This is my son.
Now, you've seen him.

How much I love him?
How much I suffer for him?
Yoou are a mother... You know it just...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Is Paganism a Prove of the Natinal Identity?

You began to laugh after you've read the title of my post now, didn't you? You think that I've completly lost my mind, probably. But the question is serious enough to provoke even real fights and probably deaths.

You know that I practice Buddhism, and it was and is a reason to critizise and scold me by many persons,  my mother and my relatives included. That is why I got in contact with persons that say: we, Russians, have to follow our own, antique, primordial beliefs and customes (for my relatives it's about the Orthodox religion, however). And they tell me about the initial signs of Russian Nationality.

Александрова гора.
«Александрова гора.» на Яндекс.Фотках

Well, I'm Russian and I'm proud to be Russian.

Said this, I want to express my anxiety about the calls to "turn back to the original purity of the nation's believes". I think, the world just passed this lesson different times. And it was always something very terrible and bloody. But the idea is evidently so tasty and inviting that it returns to life regularly.

Синь камень
«Синь камень» на Яндекс.Фотках

I understand that I can't change anything but I want to write here some words about the "primordial purity".

First of all, there is nearly nothing about that period of the most nations. Not very rich archaeological founds, memories in folklore and written texts -these last come from Christian times. And if we can find something written in the Medieval texts about Druids, for example, (maybe because they disturbed too much), there is nothing about many other nations.

Посмотреть на Яндекс.Фотках

From other side, Paganism is more or less the same in all the countries. Different is what the nature offers to her children -it's a birch in Europe and a palm in Indonesia maybe, a bear hereand an elephant there...
Look at the photos, don't your "primordial" believes use THESE same Gods and signs?

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